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The Rich Witch life




“When you are Emotionally Free & Financially Resourced, you become UnF*ckwithable.”

-Dez Davis




Why Work With Dez?

Beyond personal development, the purpose of The Rich Witch Life is to normalize & share the magic of Transformative Leadership, Intentional Impact & Wealth Creation, as a Conscious Practice.

I believe that socially & spiritually conscious business owners, community builders & impact forward entrepreneurs like yourself, are Leaders in the global paradigm shift that’s taking place right now.


The more we position ourselves to prosper – emotionally, energetically, financially & strategically in business – the more holistically resourced we are to make an Impact with greater ingenuity, efficiency, & professional fulfillment; with out cost to our personal needs, relationships, health, or values. 


My work as a Conscious Peak Performance Coach calibrates you with your next paradigm of Leadership, Impact & Financial Prosperity; so that you can make your next Big Power Move, Empowered.

As a result of working together, you arrive in deeper relationship with your Being & Business as the Sacred Spaces that they truly are. Spaces through which you actualize the life of Freedom, Fulfillment, Massive Impact & WILD Financial Prosperity that you are designed for.  

Welcome to Your Rich Witch Life

True Purpose

“Without Dez I would still struggle with comparison, competition, fear of abundance and patterned central nervous system responses. I meditate and educate myself on the laws of The Universe but sometimes the physical body needs a little help catching up to all the good ideas we have in our minds. Dez is a key to that door. She has taught me incredibly powerful yet incredibly simple exercises to help me recondition my physical body out of contraction and into freedom. She has shown me how to attract more money and care for my body as I up level to new heights of abundance and freedom all the while holding space for me to be who I really am. Nothing more. Nothing less. She has shown me that all of me is welcome to join in the dance of life, not just the beautiful parts. She has fiercely led me toward self authority and autonomy. She is an absolute gift to those who have the courage to be their greatest selves. “

Los Angeles
I’m all in
how do I get started ?

First I’d like to learn more about you, the business goals you’re here to prioritize & results you’re committed to actualizing. You can share all of the above with me via application by clicking the “Born Ready” button to book a Bo$$witch Clarity Call. This will guide you, the team & myself with determining which service or program is best suited for your needs. 


 Schedule your bo$$witch Clarity call + complete the application questionnaire


Show up for the call ready to review your application in-depth + opt-in to YOUR CHOSEN COACHING container


Work with me
1-on-1 to actualize + Embody your next level of Bo$$witchery in life & business
what’s the investment to Ignite My impact and prosper with the rich witch?

Impact, Prosper, Invest, Repeat

The Rich Witch Life offers a spectrum of high-impact 1:1 peak-performance coaching containers ranging from low four to high five figures.

You will find descriptions, price-points + payment options for all coaching containers on the application questionnaire. Please share on your application questionnaire if you desire a specific service, are working within an identified budget range, or need an alternative payment arrangement beyond what’s listed. We are 100% open to customizing a creative option that feels aligned for all. 


“I think of Socially & Spiritually conscious Entrepreneurship as an expression of our commitment to the evolution of Sacred Life on Earth.”

Dez Davis is a Conscious Peak Performance Coach specializing in Neuro-emotional Self-Concept work, the Mind-Body-Money connection, & Sustainable Success for impact forward industry leaders & entrepreneurs. 

Dez draws upon her diverse education + experiential background as a spiritually centered high-achieving femme, queer person of color, multiple-6 fig business owner that brings a fresh, down to earth quality to her original teachings & transformational coaching frameworks.

Since her first coaching certification in 2014, Dez has studied, developed + applied brain-based frameworks for personal development, as well as energy psychology techniques specifically geared for conscious peak-performance in professional change-makers, thought leaders, seasoned entrepreneurs, creatives, coaches & community builders.

Utilizing a combination of advanced technical training, balanced with an intuitively fluff-free communication style (balanced with lots of humor in), Dez Davis is an emerging force in the Coaching Industry, Business space, & Thought Leadership Community.


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Is it that time again...

Time to level-up, play a bigger game, serve a bigger audience, from a bigger life-stage ?


For example, do you have the soul-level impulse to...

launch a higher end product or service, raise your prices (significantly), start a new business, enter a joint venture, or...take more time off to indulge in the success you've created, but...

You keep hitting invisible glass ceilings, battling through resistance, doubting yourself, and struggling to uncover what's really going on.

If you're now frustrated, freaked out, or losing the enthusiasm to follow your soul-level impulse with confidence, certainty, and authority...I have a Free-Be for you. 

CLAIM your FREE Empowered Clarity Assessment to uncover what's holding you back, causing you to procrastinate, or even sabotage yourself. PLUS, 5 powerful internal shifts you can make right now to take your Confidence, Personal Power, & Certainty, to the next level. 


Enter your name + email for access to uncovering powerful shifts you can make right now to Ignite the Confidence, authentic Personal Power & self-Authority to level-up your Impact & Prosperity

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